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GET OUT NOW before it’s too late!! Navigate the Market with Confidence!

GET OUT NOW before it's too late!! Navigate the Market with Confidence!

Get out now, the market’s going to crash! How many times have you seen that type of headline over and over again? It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad to see the hundreds of thousands of investors who get sucked into signing up to avoid such a catastrophe. The idea is to get you to subscribe to a subscription letter or to have you complete a form online to gather your information and then, over the next few weeks, get countless phone calls from so-called advisors.

“Hello, Dave Duley here with George Advisor Group, a 40-year-old firm located right here in North Atlanta.” I get so tired of seeing these ads or fearmongering YouTube videos pushing an agenda to get you to take action by taking your hard-earned money. If anyone, no matter who they are, uses fear to get you to take steps in any type of planning, then you need to run. There are prominent tax experts, insurance experts, investment advisors pushing a fear agenda. Why? Every psychological study shows fear creates a 70% higher reaction to take action than positive news. Fear and bad news move and are shared 70% faster than positive news, and these people know it, and therefore that’s how they get you to act.

Now let’s talk facts. Is the economy today the best it’s ever been? No. Do we have a national debt continuing to reach record highs? Yes. Is inflation still above the 2% goal that the Fed’s trying to reach? Yes. Are the current interest rates above the so-called norms of historical rates in the past? Yes. Now, I’ve got a question for each of you out there. Are you willing to bet against America? Spending today is still setting records; earnings continue to set records each quarter for the companies we use on a daily basis; innovation in AI, manufacturing, chip processing, healthcare, biotechnology, transportation, biofuels, and the list goes on and on of leaps and bounds we are making across all major industries.

We have seen record returns on investments this year that we’ve not seen in over 25 years. Yes, war in the Middle East, war in Ukraine, talk of war in China, the political atmosphere are all issues to be watching, but we’ve been here before on a much greater scale. Remember the Civil War? How about the entire country being on the brink of World War I, the Great Depression, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, the Civil Rights conflict of the 60s, the Cuban conflict back in the 60s, the Cold War, and it goes on and on. But here we are in 2023, income is the highest in history, spending is at its highest levels ever, home ownership at its highest levels, jobs at record levels. Can we do better? Heck yeah, we can always do better.

Are we doing dumb stuff like open borders, paying people not to work? Heck yeah. But for me, you, and I are blessed beyond any comprehension to live in this country and to have the freedom to build wealth and live lives that we each choose. So, you can choose to be scared to death and believe the world is about to end, or you can choose to say, “How can I take advantage of putting my family in a better place with all the opportunities that are made available to me in the future?” If you want to be part of a firm that has had some of the greatest growth in 40 years on behalf of its clients, then you need to give us a call and visit our site. Quit getting sucked into negative talk that has been proven wrong 100% of the time on America and its ingenuity over the last 250 years. If you like our content, subscribe below, visit our website to get on our weekly newsletter.

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Investment Advisory services through Georgia Advisory Group LLC. A registered investment advisory firm. Custodian services provided by First Clearing. First Clearing is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC and Non- Bank Affiliate of Wells Fargo and Company. Investing involves risks, including possible loss of principal. Please consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. /